If you scored a LEVEL 1, I want to make it very clear that most people (if they answered the quiz questions truthfully) would score at this stage, or somewhere between level 1 and level 2. This is because you have never been taught to think about what, why, where, how and who your thoughts and beliefs are!

Why do you think the way you think? Who taught you? In what ways have you attached your identity to your thoughts? These are the first questions one must asking the beginning of this journey.

In general, someone in Level 1 is not interested in exploring below the surface, OR is at the very VERY beginning of their mental wellness journey.

Most Struggling & Unaware Warriors are completely disconnected from their intuition. They are closed off to outside perspectives. They live in Ego. They live in survival mode. Enduring life as either the judge or victim constantly positioning themselves as superior or inferior in every circumstance.

If You scored a LEVEL ONE, the good news is that you are here. You are beginning to wake up to the conditioning of your life. I have created a podcast episode that I think you might like… Click below to listen now!



Level 2 is ALL about curiously unpacking everything you “think” you know, and this means that you are starting to question your life in new ways.

The way you’ve always done things doesn’t always making sense anymore, and some days you feel like it’s you vs. the world.

You know that there is more to life than what has been handed to you, but you’re afraid to take any action for fear of unwanted consequences.

You are also starting to hear the whispers of your intuition. You have gut feelings, but then the voice of reason pulls your attention away from your intuition and into people pleasing, self sabotage or negative self-talk. This is frustrating, and you often ask yourself questions like “Why me?” or “Why do I always do this to myself?”

You are, however, starting to sit with your feelings a little bit. And instead of dismissing them, or justifying them, you have begun to accept that you feel this way and maybe get curious.

This is so powerful. Level 2 of Intuitive Awareness is the initiation of critical thinking for your life.

The thoughts that loop in your mind are primarily controlled by one or more of these ideologies:

To Be Liked or Accepted ✔️

To Be Successful or Recognized ✔️

To Be Included or Chosen ✔️

However the idea of observing your thoughts without judgement doesn’t seem like what you need to improve the quality, happiness and fulfillment level of your life. You are still drawn to solutions above the surface (tangible outcomes) such as weight loss, more money or nicer clothes to be happy.

Want to go a bit deeper? Listen to the episode I picked for you below!



At Level 3 this means that you are starting to observe your thoughts and actions from the place of the non-judgment observer… from the intuition.

This is exciting, but remember even though you are beginning to go against the mainstream narrative, this is not the end of the road.

But I know you want to seek help and want to keep moving forward. You have been dedicated to your mental and emotional growth for some time now and you are starting to understand that true growth happens beneath the surface. It’s not about the tangible outcomes, but more the act of detaching from old narratives.

You are done playing small. You understand the programmed mind, however, you don’t know how to “let go” of program. This is annoying

In other words, the way you’ve always done things doesn’t always making sense anymore, yet you keep looping and repeating the same lessons because you don’t know what else to do.

Level 3 is an exciting, yet difficult stage of the journey. You are discovering who you are, but you are afraid to change for fear of disrupting other people in your life.

You no longer blindly identify with the labels you’ve been given, but because you aren’t sure what to do with this, you might be experiencing resentment, guilt and shame.

This is the level where you will battle your old identities and begin to redefine who you are. This is the stage were a lot of the magic happens and your awareness level of how you’ve always done things, your automatic behaviour and decisions, as well as how you manage triggers and emotional outburst will shift dramatically.

You keep questioning things and have become okay with not knowing the answer or thinking you are less than for not knowing.


You know that there is more to life than what has been handed to you, but you’re afraid to take any action for fear of unwanted consequences.


Level 3 of Intuitive Awareness is the development and expansion of critical thinking in your mind. It is the beginning of detaching.


You are drawn to the idea of observing your thoughts without judgement because you’ve done so many other things to help you feel good, but it always falls flat. You are done with the surface level superficial outcomes and want to go deeper.

Want to go a bit deeper? Listen to the episode I picked for you below!



Level 4 is the level of awareness where we have been observing the battle of our identities with such clarity and compassion that we can now clearly see our own domestication. It is at this level were we start compasionately cutting ties and start consciously detaching from the narratives that no longer serve us because we know the consequences of going back into relationships, experiences, loops are no longer in alignment with who we truly are.

This means, we know what will happen when we lift our vibration, look down and choose to go back to the lower vibe. This is the loop. Maybe people stay at level 4 and loop back to levels 1, 2, and 3 many times before they are able to break the loop once and for all.

Level 4 is where the deep work of letting go truly begins as we are able to observe our thoughts consciously and with awareness. We know when we are responding automatically, and where are triggers live within us.

If you feel as though you live an authentic life, and make choices from an authentic place, that does NOT mean you are at a level 4 of Intuitive Awareness. The Ego likes to make us believe we are authentic (especially when it gives us a sense of superiority). A Wellness Warrior at LEVEL 4 is humble, kind and does not need to attach herself to this label for a heightened sense of importance.

They are fully aware. However… this is a tough level. It’s the toughest really… because we don’t know what to do. We don’t know what to do when we get outside the box. We are in uncharted waters man… It’s scary AF. However, we fully understand the consequence of going back into the loop, so we become brave, and we choose to move up. In level 4, when we fall down, we are able to get out of the hole faster, easier, with more confidence. There is a loop happening, but is short. We break out of our automation and experience adversity in the present moment.


Want to go a bit deeper? Listen to the episode I picked for you below!



This is person who has become fully awake to the practice of intuitive awareness. She lives authentically, knows that nothing is personal and does not worry about the opinions of others. The Authentic & Aware Guru is able to manage emotional triggers with love and compassion, and she makes decisions solely on her values, needs and life. She controls the narrative. She lives in the present moment. She practices Intuitive Awareness mastery.

Level 5 is to live with full detachment of the program. This is true authenticity. This is making choices, and taking full responsibility for your life. This is letting go of the victim judger. It’s know that the stories, the assumption, the automatic emotional respoinses are NOT yours. You hard simply agreed to them at one time and thought it was the way.

Level 5 is experiencing compassion with yourself as you move through the humility, morning and hypocracy of growth. It’s the magic. You become conscious. You because the Awake & Aware Warrior. You fully understand that you LIVE & DIE in your mind.


Want to go a bit deeper? Listen to the episode I picked for you below!

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